Hyperledger Fabric Fundamentals focuses on the technical and logical architecture of various components in the Hyperledger Fabric using fictional case study. The learners get to understand a business scenario, model a consortium network, and also write a Chaincode for the required business logic. Learners can interact with the Chaincode using the IBM Blockchain Platform, extension of VScode. The fundamental program covers important concepts in Hyperledger Fabric helping learners to seamlessly write better applications for Hyperledger Fabric network. This course uses JavaScript programming language.
The course is open for individuals having a basic knowledge of Blockchain Technology, Javascript and Docker Basics. For newbies, it is highly recommended to enroll and audit the Blockchain Foundation Program offered by Kerala Blockchain Academy before proceeding.
- Difference between public and permissioned distributed ledger technologies.
- Demonstrate the role of permissioned DLTs for various domain and business applications.
- Appreciate the projects under the Hyperledger umbrella, especially Hyperledger Fabric for its distributed enterprise-grade architecture and modular design.
- Demonstrate the use of various components/modules present in the Hyperledger Fabric platform.
- Understand and build a small Multi-org based Hyperledger Fabric network using Microfab and VScode Extension.
- Use tools and techniques needed to easily develop and deploy Node.js based Chaincode in Hyperledger Fabric.
Course Features
- Lectures 43
- Quizzes 2
- Duration Lifetime access
- Skill level Intermediate
- Students 1749
- Certificate Yes
- Assessments Yes